Employee Spotlight – Zandra Nelson

Employee Spotlight Zandra Nelson

Employee Spotlight

Zandra Nelson

Consumer Loan Underwriter

With AGCU 35 Years

Relax with a Book

Zandra spent most of her life in Springfield and finds joy in reading, with a particular passion for mysteries and detective novels.

Her family is her pride and inspiration, and she delights in sharing stories of her daughter and two stepchildren, as they carve out happy lives.

Zandra relishes the peaceful moments with a book, her loving husband and their feline companion, Missy.

Zandra started as a teller, and has served in various departments during her career, but especially enjoys the loan department. She shines at evaluating loans and advising members about ways to enhance their eligibility. Her unwavering commitment has made her an invaluable asset to AGCU and our members.


What Does Banking With A Purpose Mean to You?

Accurate and up to the minute account information from employees who really care about members.


What’s the next place on your travel “Bucket-List”?

An island vacation in the Caribbean on Turks and Caicos

How do you define “Success”?

Doing something that makes you happy

Favorite Place

I love being at the lake and watching the water. It’s so calming.

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