Stronger Men’s Conference

Stronger Men’s Conference 2019

We are proud to sponsor the Stronger Men’s Conference 2019 on April 26-27 at JQH Arena.

What exactly is the Stronger Men’s Conference?  From their website, “The Stronger Men’s Conference exists to empower and motivate men to live out God’s view of manhood and be the best husbands, fathers, and leaders God has called them to be. You will not want to miss out on the 2019 conference, which will be taking place at JQH arena, located in downtown Springfield, MO. Featuring world-class communicators, high-energy worship and awesome entertainment, this action-packed conference will truly be an experience to remember!”

Take a look at the video below!

Head out to the Stronger Men’s Conference website, where you can learn more about the conference, view the speakers and register for the event!