Pregnancy Care Center

Pregnancy Care Center

It’s our pleasure to be a sponsor of the 2019 Pregnancy Care Center Banquet.

This year’s banquet will feature a client story, Director’s update, and guest speaker, Dr. Marc Newman. Dr. Newman is president of Speaker For Life, a training firm dedicated to equipping pro-life advocates nationwide with public speaking skills. You may view last year’s client story at this link.

You can also be part of this wonderful evening, celebrating PCC and their passion for saving lives in southwest Missouri. The banquet will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019, at the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center, Springfield, Missouri. 5 PM Seating, 6 PM Program, and 8 PM Closing. Tickets are $25 per person which covers food and beverage and is not a tax-deductible donation. Attire is business casual; adults only due to limited seating.

Interested in attending the banquet or donating to PCC? Visit their website to learn more about the organization and register for the event here. Or call 417-877-0800 and register today!