AG Week of Prayer

Join AGCU as we take part in the Assemblies of God 78th annual Week of Prayer, beginning Sunday, January 5, through Saturday, January 11.

The AG Week of Prayer occurs the first full week of January of each new year. It was created to help believers start the year with a purposeful focus on making God the focus of life through prayer.  Each day of the week has a Prayer Point, a central detail to emphasize during prayer. Visit the AG Week of Prayer to learn more about the week and discover the resources available to assist you.

The seven Prayer Points for 2020 are:

Sunday – Strengthen in me, O Lord, the commitment to regularly talk with You and hear from You through prayer.
Monday – As I present needs and concerns to You, O Lord, may I be content to leave the results to You.
Tuesday – Help me understand, O Lord, that the power of prayer is not so much in what I pray about, but to whom I pray.
Wednesday – O Lord, may I hunger after, receive, and use the powerful prayer language available through the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Thursday – Help me, O Lord, to understand that prayer is my personal responsibility, not something someone else can do for me.
Friday – O Lord, increase my sensitivity to divine appointments to pray for others, conveying to them Your love, grace, and power.
Saturday – May my present and eternal relationship with You, O Lord, be strengthened by continually keeping the line open with You day by day.