12 Steps to Financial Freedom: Step 4: Have The Money Talk With Your Partner

12 Steps to Financial Wellness

12 Steps to Financial Freedom. -4 Have the Money Talk With Your Partner

Step 4: Have The Money Talk With Your Partner

Communicating openly about how you manage your money is a big part of having an honest and trusting relationship. Here, we’ve compiled six tips to help guide you in this super-important conversation.

  1. Plan in advance

Broach the topic with your partner a few days before you want to have the “Big Money Talk” and ask if you can have an open discussion about money sometime soon. This way, you’ll both be ready to focus on the conversation and won’t be caught off-guard.

  1. Start with a vision

Instead of starting the conversation by bringing up a time your partner overspent, talk about a vision you can both share. For example, you can rhapsodize about how wonderful it would be to take a luxury vacation to the Cayman Islands, or how you’d love to start saving for a home. This way, you’re putting a positive spin on your money talk, which will set the tone for the rest of the conversation.

  1. Listen carefully

Your partner will have their own ideas about money management, and you may be surprised at the insights they have to share into your own spending habits or expensive vices.

  1. Talk openly about sharing expenses and savings

At a certain point in your relationship, you may decide to share expenses and pool your savings. If you plan to bring up the topic now, be sure to talk openly about the way you feel to better avoid future resentment. For example, if you earn more than your partner, should you be splitting expenses evenly? Can one partner take additional financial responsibilities in lieu of contributing an equal amount of income to the pot? All of these questions, and more, are important to discuss upfront.

At this time, consider linking one of your accounts or opening a shared account at AGCU

  1. Consider having a slush fund

Sometimes, you just want to splurge without having to explain the purchase. You may also want to spend money on a surprise gift for your partner without them knowing you’ve just dropped a large sum of money on something. Having a slush fund, or money set aside for your “just for fun” spending, can help you maintain a sense of independence and keep some of your purchases private. You can keep this fund in a separate checking account under your name at AGCU

  1. Set up a weekly or bi-weekly time to talk money

It’s a good idea to touch base about finances once a week, or once every two weeks. You can talk about recent purchases, big expenses that are coming up soon, surprise bills, and more.

Be sure to stick to your commitments and to bring up any money issues that may arise during your regular money talks for continued harmonious collaboration about all financial matters.


Read Step 1: How to Track Your Spending

Read Step 2: Creating a Budget

Read Step 3: Pay Down Debt

Read Step 4: Have the Money Talk With Your Partner

Read Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

Read Step 6: Pay It Forward

Read Step 7: How to Pay Yourself First

Read Step 8: Know When and How to Indulge

Read Step 9: Build and Maintain an Excellent Credit Score

Read Step 10: Plan for Retirement

Read Step 11: Start Investing

Read Step 12: Review and Tweak


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