Member Highlight – Lynn Hall

Member Spotlight

Lynne Hall

If you visited one of our branches during the Christmas season the past two years, you may have noticed some extra decoration on our windows.

In light of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and bringing extra joy to the hearts of our members during the winter season, AGCU hired Lynne Hall to decorate our windows.

After hearing numerous compliments from our members on the presence of her art, we can’t help but highlight her talent and blessing to our branches and members.

We reached out to her with a few questions, and we thought you might want to hear the heart behind the beautiful art that you see every time you visit one of our branches.

We are always proud to highlight the talent and dreams of our members, and we are excited to tell you more about Lynne Hall.

When did you first decide to follow your heart and call to be an artist? 

In 2016, my first grandbaby was on her way, and I had always wanted to draw more realistic portraits, so I took a course and fell in love with the process!

What inspires you to create?

I love how God created each of us and everything so uniquely-I’m intrigued by the intricacies of His creation. I especially love to capture the candid looks on a child’s face, or really anyone’s face, the personality of people & their furry friends, as well as the color and beauty of flowers, boats on the water, sunsets on the beach… I’m also inspired by other artists, I love seeing people thrive in what God has called them to do.

What advice would you give other creatives if they wanted to start their own business?

Creative wise- I’ll forever be working on this. Create lots and lots of art and find those things that inspire you; that don’t feel like work, by doing so, others will take notice because you’ll likely be doing what God has put on your heart to be a blessing to others and they can see that in you.

Financially-set up your business properly, take care to treat it like a business

Relationally -learn about the people you meet, what inspires them and you’ll be able to create something really special that they’ll treasure and will fill your heart too!

Who inspired you most to follow your heart in your career choice? 

First, the prompting of the Holy Spirit to act upon long held desires.

My portrait instructor, Audrey Bottrell Parks, inspired and encouraged me that I could do it. My family was also a great encouragement.

Ultimately, my good friend, Kellie Jones, who when she saw some of the portraits I had given away as gifts, exclaimed-”why are you hiding your talent:)”  Before that, I don’t know if I realized that this could be the thing God was giving me to do to love on others and make some sort of an impact on the world around me.

How do you continue to find joy in your work? 

It is not hard to find joy in my work. When you get to create something that people really treasure, it makes even the harder days or the ugly stage of the work, enjoyable!

What is your favorite part about your job?

The look on the face of the recipient-lots of joyful tears, hugs and smiles!  That truly fills my heart!

How could AGCU help you more in your career as an artist?

I see that you have financial services that help business owners.  Do you also offer assistance for the person who are not necessarily business minded such as, how to set up your business properly and other details of running a profitable business? I love that you are spotlighting your members, what a great opportunity to learn about other people in our area!

AGCU’s Answer: We do not have a business advisory, but we are always happy and willing to answer any business related questions, and will do our best to assist in any needs requested.

If you could be a part of or create one thing before you retire, what would it be or what would you do?

I have lots of creative dreams, so this is tough. However, my husband and I have talked, over the years, about creating some books that include his creative writing and my artwork that can inspire, uplift and make an impact.

Another thing would be to be a part of larger mural projects alongside other muralists and communities to create a beautiful work of art that has that same impact – inspire and uplift. I love to travel, so I would love to see that take place in many locations!

Because I feel like I was so slow to realize that this thing I take so much joy in is available to others, I want to do workshops or classes to show others that sometimes through the creative process, letting go of perfectionism and doubt, God shows us something.  He has created us all to be creative, whether it’s through fine arts, being good at organizing, business mindedness, that thing you do that you take for granted and think everyone can do this. God wired you to make an impact on this world, so we can all honor Him and do that thing to the best of our ability and to His glory!

Who or what is your true inspiration?

I would have to say, God’s creation. I get inspired to create by seeing the beauty all around. Sometimes it’s the fullness I feel from beautiful colors or flowers, landscapes, sunrise and sunset. Sometimes it’s adorable furry creatures. Often, it’s precious faces, young and old whose expression tells part of their story. I think all of it tells God’s story and we can love and appreciate Him through it all.

Thank you Lynne, for reminding us of the joy of Jesus Christ during this winter season, and your beautiful artwork at our branches that brightens the hearts of our members.

You are appreciated.