Love in Action

Love in ACTion

Twice a year, AGCU employees get together for Staff Enrichment Day. We meet to review how the credit union is performing, discuss updates, provide training, and participate in service projects.

Our most recent Staff Enrichment Day was particularly productive and inspiring!

After starting the morning with Brad Douglas (CEO of Heartland Credit Union Association) who addressed the group via video call, we met representatives from six local charities. AGCU employees chose the following charities to receive donations for our Love in ACTion day (photos below):

Ann Tompkins – House of Hope Ministries of Springfield, Mo
Allison Gregory & Mark Hay – Sammy’s Window
Brandi Bartel – The Victim Center
Meleah Spencer & Katherine Westmoreland – The Kitchen, Inc.’s Rare Breed Youth Services
Scott Kirby – Down Syndrome Group of the Ozarks
Jared Alexander – Harmony House

We wrapped up the morning with Pastor John Alarid of Freedom City Church sharing his testimony. Then it was off to Freedom City Church where our employees worked in teams to paint and landscape. Visit our Facebook page to see more photos!

Love in ACTION - House of Hope Love in ACTION - Sammy's Window Love in ACTION - The Victim Center Love in ACTion - Rare Breed