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Reap More Than You Sow

Reap More Than You Sow

Saving for the future is more important than ever before. Those that make a habit of saving, even saving small amounts, are preparing more for their financial future than others. When you save, you are working to ensure your financial well being.

Savings accounts come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on the type of saving you are planning, it’s advisable to have both short and long-term accounts. For short-term and emergency planning, money should be easily accessible and not tied up in long-term investments. Longer term savings are the opposite and should be thought of more like investments. Our new tiered Certificate of Deposit rate structure offers the best of different term lengths and rates.

Take a look at our new certificate of deposit rates, where you can save for future life events and be ready for unplanned or emergency needs.

Ready to start sowing? Call (417) 831-4398 or CLICK HERE and we will contact you!



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