Christopher Hill

The Hill Family Memorial Fund

Christopher Hill Memorial FundOn July 30, 2021, The family of Christopher Hill, Director of Computer Applications and Development at General Council of the Assemblies of God, sustained a great loss.

Chris’s lovely wife Lindsay lost her husband, and his four girls Monta, Katelyn, Elise, and Alison lost their dad. After struggling with breathlessness, unable to keep his oxygen levels up due to Covid, Chris was put on a ventilator to help him fight and recover from the effects of the virus. No one ever expected for a moment that this 45-year-old husband and father would not come home to his family. But after three weeks on the ventilator, his struggle ended. He left this earth and his family to be with Jesus.<more>

Everyone who knew Chris knows that he loved big. Everybody. Always. He was always sensitive to how others were feeling and what they needed. He listened intently when others spoke. He never put himself first. He was kindness and generosity mixed with fun and jokes. It is said by those who knew him that Chris was one of the most loving and intentional dads they had ever known. He loved his wife and four girls in such tender and meaningful ways connecting with each one and making even the mundane special for them. There is such a gaping hole in this family without him here.
As well as the AG community, and the world.

The Family is now facing not only the grief of losing a husband and father, but his wife Lindsey is also facing the weight of parenting four daughters alone. Their youngest daughter just turned 11, so she had many years of providing and parenting still stretching before her. Our heart wants to raise a million dollars for the care of these sweet girls to take the stress off of Chris’s wife in his absences… We are excited to let God do that if that is how He wants to work! However, we know that if we start by giving enough money to pay off their mortgage, that would lift some of the immediate financial concern for how they will face the future; which is why we are trying to raise a goal of $150,000. The needs are many; medical costs, funeral costs, and especially the needs of raising four children, but we believe God will work through people to provide all that they need.

Thank you for loving Chris’s wife Lindsay, and his girls big! Thank you for helping to care for Monta, Katelyn, Elise and Alison. They are missing their daddy so deeply, and we can never give them back what they lost, but we can show them love in a practical way as a small gratitude for the way Chris loved us, and everything they gave us, and to the AG community throughout their years of service for the Kingdom!

Contributions to the family can be made here
or make a check payable to Lindsey Hill in care of AGCU P.O. Box 2328, Springfield, MO 65801

Banking With A Purpose